Dom Schad,
Thank you very much David Seamer for your wonderfully illustrated guides to microscopic freshwater life. Now, I’m a newcomer to the field, but these guides seem both practical and beautiful and I can’t recommend them highly enough. Thanks!
I recently ordered the Beginners Guide to Freshwater Microscopic Life from David Seamer, and got it today. And what a treasure it is. With great knowledge and perfection David drew his subjects, in the old tradition of microscopists, who had no other means of showing the world what they saw. It's a very instructive book for anyone who is new to the world of invisible creatures, but in the first place it's a work of art. There's more, and more books! on David's site:
Loes Moddermann,
The Netherlands.
Congratulations on the initiative and the magnificent work.
Rogerio Macron,
The book arrived and it is brilliant. Thank you very much. I will advertise for it and write an
article in our Dutch microscopy club magazine.
Wim van Egmond,
The Netherlands.
Today received the book "freshwater microscopic life" with beautiful drawings by David
Seamer. Excellent allowance for beginners!
Thank you very much David! Many thanks to David!
Sergey Lysak,
The Ukraine.
"A Beginners Guide to FRESHWATER MICROSCOPIC LIFE" by David Seamer, 74 pages.
Contact David Seamer at
I received my copy of this monograph and I highly recommend it to any level of amateur
enthusiasts. It is a general guide and place to start while trying to identify what's under the
cover slip. The pages of algae are somewhat extensive and finely detailed.
The book is loaded with drawings of algae, protozoa and metazoa such as small crustaceans.
Amoebas, Flagellates, Peritrichs and Hypotrichs are among the many subjects.
A good reference for your library!
Steve Cunningham,
Just received a copy! I highly recommend. Superb illustrations and I already ID a metazoa
that I watched yesterday swimming in pond water.
Daniel Ribas Tandeitnik,
Just received both books and can thoroughly recommend them. David is really helpful online,
ordered them at the weekend and they arrived today. I haven’t found anything better to help
identify the myriad of organisms im seeing in pond water samples.
Dr. William Whitehead,
Yesterday they arrived from Australia two magnificent guides published by David Seamer. A
general on the microscopic life of freshwater and another on flagellates. Both the precious
original illustrations of David, no doubt works of art, like his very clear and precise texts, are
of great help to all who try to bring us closer to knowledge of this fascinating universe. Thank
you David for these jobs!! It is an honor that you are part of these groups like the microscopic
world or Amateur microscopy where your help is always fundamental.
Antonio Guillén Oterino
Logroño (La Rioja)
A Beginners Guide to Freshwater Microscopic Life by David G. Seamer:
Having recently obtained David’s excellent illustrated guide to freshwater ciliates, which was
much admired when I took it along to a recent Quekett Microscopical Club meeting, I was
excited to see that David then went on to write a guide to Freshwater Microscopic Life.
As with the ciliate guide, it is beautifully illustrated with very clear freehand drawings of the
organisms. I have recently run an introduction to microscopy as well as “Pond dipping for
grown-ups”. Unfortunately, at that time I did not have this book, but it looks to be just the job
for future meetings of this nature.
This book is not intended to identify organisms to species level, but rather to provide a visual
overview of the groups of microscopic organisms that may be found. The contents cover
Algae, including Filamentous, Individual, Colonial, Desmids and Diatoms; Protozoa,
including amoebas, ciliates, flagellates and heliozoans; Metazoa, including hydrozoans,
Turbellaria, Nematodes, Gastrotrichs, Rotifers, Tardigrades, Cladocera, Ostracoda, and
Copepoda. It provides a most useful overview of these organisms and should allow the
beginner to identify most of these groups.
- Highly recommended!
Graham Matthews,
I received your books today-thanks so much. I am really impressed by them. You have clearly spent many thousands of hours over a long period of time on them and they are really a fabulous resource for a beginner such as myself! Once again many thanks for sending them to me!
Glen Sykes, Scotland.
Thanks, David. |